Socktopus is my latest completed project. Took me about a month total to crochet all parts of this toy. I saw a post somewhere on the internet about an octopus with socks on his feet. Its basically a good leftover yarn consuming project. Each leg has a different sock. And, No, there is no pattern for this because I made it up as I went along. Each leg I think is 10sc around except for where I decreased and increased to make it look like a sucker pad on the end of the legs... they are slightly different lengths, but you can't tell, at least I hope you cannot. After I did the first I simply held the rest next to it to get the length. I also found it was easier to stuff as I went along rather than try to shove fluff all the way down the tube. For the head I followed a sphere pattern I found online and doubled the sc until I felt it would be big enough. I did most of the circle stuffed it and then sewed the legs on with more of the same yarn around the hole at the bottom of the head sphere. Then after all the legs were on I began to crochet again, after stuffing it full, starting at the head then doing a couple crochets through a leg, then back into the head, then in a couple in the next leg... etc... all the way around. That way the legs and the head became more of one piece. After that, since this toy was given as a baby toy to a friend of mine, I decided to sew the legs and head together more just so the legs cant be too easily ripped off. In the end I think it turned out pretty well. And now of course I want one, so I guess another will be in order...eventually.